Project documents archive

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (2016)

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires evaluation of potential environmental impacts associated with federal projects and actions. In accordance with the NEPA process, the CTA and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) published a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2016 that evaluated the environmental impacts of constructing and operating the proposed Red Line Extension project. Two Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Alternative options were evaluated as part of the Draft EIS. Based on public feedback on the Draft EIS, as well as additional project planning and engineering work, the CTA selected the Preferred Alignment in 2018.

Environmental analysis (2009–2014)

Public outreach has continued to be an integral part of the planning for this project during the environmental review planning phase. As part of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), open houses, community newsletters, and a formal scoping process were conducted with the public, stakeholders, and other governmental agencies. Documents related to these activities are provided below. The CTA will continue to involve and consult with the community as the project proceeds.

Alternatives Analysis (2006–2009)

The purpose of the Alternatives Analysis (AA) Study, which ended in August 2009, was to examine a wide range of potential transportation options. In the AA process, the project's purpose and need were identified, alternatives that meet the purpose and need were developed and evaluated, and comprehensive and ongoing public involvement was initiated. Many different transportation alternatives were identified in the AA process. Based on public comment and an evaluation of those options against criteria that included cost, environmental factors, and feasibility considerations, the number of options was narrowed down. There were three screening stages and the results of each screening stage were presented at public meetings. At each stage, there was an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the results. The end result of the AA process was the selection of a Locally Preferred Alternative by the Chicago Transit Board on August 12, 2009.

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