A CTA Diversity Department representative speaks in front of a crowd with a presentation behind him in a large auditorium.


Train for your future with CTA and the Red Line Extension Project

There are construction and professional workforce opportunities with the CTA and Red Line Extension. Take the steps now with CTA to begin or advance your career!

The Red Line Extension is a $5.7 billion transit improvement project that will extend the Red Line from its current terminal at 95th station to 130th Street. Over the years, CTA has required workforce participation goals on major construction projects to create a path for underrepresented and residents of economically disadvantaged areas to career opportunities in the building trades, union apprenticeships and other construction-related jobs.

How to get started? 


Pre-apprenticeships are great opportunities to learn and build your skill set. Our pre-apprenticeship partners provide resources and training to prepare individuals who meet at least one CTA’s workforce goals to enter into US Dept. of Labor-approved apprenticeship programs.  
The logo of Chicago Women in Trades - the left side of the logo features a simple illustration of a group of trade workers with the name on the left.

Chicago Women In Trades


The logo of Metropolitan Family Services - a simple logo topped with a minimalist depiction of three figures, followed by the name, then the statement "families mpowered"

Metropolitan Family Services


The logo of Revolution Workshop - featuring a round saw with the letters "RW" in the center, the W has a hammer integrated into the design.

Revolution Workshop


Workforce placement

Our workforce placement partners connect individuals with jobs on CTA and other construction projects based on CTA contract workforce goals. 
The logo of Chicago Women in Trades - the left side of the logo features a simple illustration of a group of trade workers with the name on the left.

Chicago Women In Trades


The logo of Hire 360 -  a simple logo stating the name surrounded by a colored circle

Hire 360


RLE and construction

Three uniformed CTA employees are shown installing a large RLE banner emblazoned with the slogan "Ready, Set, Soon!" onto the wall at a CTA station

We have awarded a contract to Walsh-VINCI Transit Community Partners to design and build this project and plan to host Meet the Contractor meetings so interested individuals can learn about career training and opportunities on CTA projects like the Red Line Extension Project. 

To receive updates about upcoming meetings, please sign up for emails below.

Sign up for RLE construction alerts!

Have questions?

Email CTA’s workforce team at [email protected] for questions about opportunities on RLE and other CTA projects.

Don't forget to check out the Workforce and procurement opportunities section on our FAQs page. 

Interested in jobs at CTA?

CTA is hiring! 

Learn more about CTA Careers