Image of train with tactile platform edge

ADA Advisory Committee

Purpose and responsibilities

The ADA Advisory Committee was established by the authority of the Chicago Transit Board. It serves in an advisory capacity to the CTA. Its purpose is to provide the CTA with recommendations on the CTA’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), facilitate a dialogue between the CTA and the disability community, and increase the use of the CTA’s services by people with disabilities.

The responsibilities of the Committee include:

  • To represent the diverse needs and interests of the diversity of people with disabilities 
  • To provide comment on CTA’s current services, policies and practices 
  • To provide informed input on the development and assessment of future CTA projects and services that impact people with disabilities


The Committee has up to 12 members. They are chosen from qualified applicants by the Chair of the Chicago Transit Board, based on their ability to represent a cross section of the community of people with disabilities in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Current Chair and Vice Chair:

  • Laura Saltzman, Access Living (Chairperson)
  • Lincoln Edwards, Disability Advocate (Vice Chair)

Current Committee members:

  • Mary Abramson, American Council for the Blind
  • Doreen Bogus, Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities
  • Sandra Fernandez, Disability Advocate
  • Cynthia Fosco, Guide Dogs for the Blind & Second Sense
  • Johnny Gonzalez, Chicago Veterans
  • Dr. Delphine Labbe, UIC Disability and Human Development Professor
  • Sara Luna, National Federation of the Blind
  • Giselle Nunez, Saint Xavier Speech Language Pathologist
  • Barbara Padilla, LCM Architects
  • Jada Thompson, Disability Advocate



The Committee meeting dates for 2024 are:

The Committee will meet in 2025 on:

  • January 13
  • April 7
  • July 14
  • October 6

Anyone wishing to make a Public Comment at the CTA ADA Advisory Committee meeting has the following options:

  • You may send your written comment to [email protected] and it will be read into the record by the Meeting Facilitator. Please indicate that it is a Public Comment for the ADA Advisory Committee Meeting in the Subject line, OR;
  • You may call the Meeting Facilitator (Irma Gomez-Fierro) at 773-449-8389 who will assist you in writing out your comment. The comment will still be read into the record by the Meeting Facilitator.
  • Meeting Notice and Agenda

Meeting times

The Committee meets quarterly on the second Monday of the quarter, unless there is a holiday. The meeting time is 1:30-4:00 p.m., which includes a 15 minute period for public comment. Check for meeting notices a few days in advance of meetings for additional information and see the committee's Public Comment Policy (and form).

Meeting location

In 2024, meetings will take place either virtually or in the 2nd Floor Boardroom at the CTA Headquarters Office located at 567 W. Lake Street (SE corner of Lake & Jefferson Streets).

Meeting access

Committee meetings are held in a location accessible to individuals who use mobility devices. General/Open Access Sign Language Interpreters are provided at all meetings. Individuals requiring other reasonable accommodations must notify the Manager of ADA Compliance Programs at least 5 business days prior to a meeting.


The CTA ADA Advisory Committee has established 3 Sub-Committees: Funding Advocacy, Safety and Training and Wayfinding and Technology.

CTA’s ADA Advisory Committee Chairman explains that the purpose of the Sub-Committees is to provide time between the quarterly meetings for members to keep active and engaged regarding topics of importance to the Committee. Participation is optional and may also include individuals outside of the CTA ADA Advisory Committee.

For further information contact:

  • Funding Advocacy. Focused on supporting the CTA in obtaining state and Federal funding for various projects and initiatives such as the All Stations Accessibility Program, ASAP.
  • Safety and Training. Focused on issues related to promoting safety on CTA’s buses and trains for people with all types of disabilities.
  • Wayfinding and Technology. Focused on learning about new technologies and innovations enabling people with disabilities to maximize independent travel via CTA’s mainline system.
System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Brown Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts