Events Affecting CTA Service Beginning the Weekend of December 10-12

December 10, 2010

Service for Upcoming Events

CTA Service to Events at the United Center

CTA will operate its #19 United Center Express for those attending these upcoming events at the United Center:
  • Friday, December 10 at 7 p.m. – Los Angeles Lakers versus Bulls
  • Saturday, December 11 at 7 p.m. – Minnesota Timberwolves versus Bulls
  • Monday, December 13 at 7 p.m. – Indiana Pacers versus Bulls
  • Wednesday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. – Colorado Avalanche versus Blackhawks
  • Friday, December 17 at 7:30 p.m. – Detroit Red Wings versus Blackhawks
Buses will leave every 12-15 minutes from Michigan and Randolph beginning 90 minutes before the start of each event. When the event ends, #19 buses will depart the United Center approximately every 15 minutes for one hour.
#19 buses make all stops on Madison from Wabash to Clinton. From Clinton, #19 buses run express to the United Center.
After each event, #19 buses will await customers on the north side of the United Center eastbound on Madison near Gate 3. On the return trip, #19 buses will operate east on Washington to Wacker, then head south to Monroe and east to Michigan, making all stops from Jefferson to Michigan before turning north on Michigan and making the final stop at Randolph.

CTA Provides Service for Bears Game

Fans heading to the Bears game versus the New England Patriots on Sunday, December 12, will find the #128 Soldier Field Express and #146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express buses provide affordable and convenient travel options. Kickoff is at 3:15 p.m.
The #128 Soldier Field Express operates non-stop between the Ogilvie Transportation Center, Union Station and Soldier Field. Service will begin at approximately 2 p.m. After the game, buses will leave Soldier Field every few minutes for approximately one hour.
The cash fare for #128 buses is $1 for full-fare customers and 50 cents for reduced-fare customers. Exact fare is required. Customers who use CTA fare media on the #128 will be charged a regular CTA bus fare.
In addition, Red, Orange and Green line trains serve customers traveling to and from Soldier Field via the Roosevelt station a few blocks west of the stadium.
Buses Rerouted
In anticipation of heavy traffic along Roosevelt and Lake Shore Drive due to the football game at Soldier Field, the #146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express will be detoured from 11:45 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Sunday.
Southbound #146 buses will travel over the regular route along Columbus to Lake Shore Drive then will operate via Lake Shore Drive, 18th Street to Museum Campus Drive and then resume the regular route.
Northbound #146 buses will travel over the regular route along Museum Campus Drive to Waldron then will operate via Waldron, Lake Shore Drive to Columbus and then resume the regular route.

Holiday Hours in Effect on #10 Museum of Science & Industry Bus Route

With the exception of Saturday, December 25, hours of operation along the #10 Museum of Science & Industry route will be extended on select dates through Friday, December 31, 2010. 
The Museum of Science & Industry will offer extended hours – open from 9:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from 11 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. on Sundays – on the following dates:
  • Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12
  • Saturday, December 18 through Friday, December 24
  • Sunday, December 26 through Friday, December 31
The museum is closed on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25.
On the dates listed above, service on the #10 will begin operating from Chestnut/Mies van der Rohe each morning approximately 30 minutes prior to the Museum of Science & Industry opening and the last bus will depart from the museum approximately 30 minutes after closing.

New/Updated Changes in Bus Service

#36 Broadway Buses Briefly Detoured Saturday Morning for Helicopter Lift

From 9 a.m. until approximately 10 a.m. Saturday, December 11, #36 Broadway buses will be detoured due to the closure of Division Street between Dearborn and State for a scheduled helicopter lift.
Southbound #36 buses will travel over the regular route along Clark past Division to Maple then will operate via Maple to State and then resume the regular route.
Northbound #36 buses will operate over the regular route along State to Elm then will travel via Elm to Clark and then resume the regular route.

Northbound #56 Milwaukee Buses Detoured Early Next Week

From 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. on Monday, December 13 and then again during the same hours on Tuesday, December 14, northbound #56 Milwaukee buses will be detoured due to the closure of the northbound lanes along Milwaukee Avenue at Diversey/Kimball for water main construction work.
Northbound #56 buses will travel over the regular route along Milwaukee to Kimball then will operate via Kimball, Belmont to Milwaukee and then resume the regular route. Southbound #56 buses are not affected and will travel over the regular route.

Ongoing Bus Service Changes

Water Main Construction Project to Detour #56A North Milwaukee Buses

Currently in effect until approximately 4 p.m. Friday, December 24, short-run #56A North Milwaukee buses operating to Devon/Avondale are being rerouted due to the closure of Devon Avenue between Newcastle and Oak Park for a water main construction project.
#56A North Milwaukee (Service to Devon/Avondale Only)
Northbound #56A buses are traveling over the regular route along Milwaukee to Devon before turning to begin southbound service. Southbound #56A buses are departing from Milwaukee/Devon and traveling over the regular route.

Bridge Work Detours #26 South Shore Express and #30 South Chicago Express buses

Currently in effect until Friday, December 31, #26 South Shore Express and #30 South Chicago Express buses are being rerouted due to the closure of the Ewing Street Bridge over the Calumet River for repair work.
Northbound #26 and #30 buses are traveling over the regular route along Ewing to 95th Street then are operating via 95th Street, South Chicago, Harbor, Mackinaw to 91st Street and continuing west on 91st Street over the regular route.
Southbound #26 and #30 buses are traveling over the regular route along 91st Street to Mackinaw then are operating via Mackinaw, Harbor, South Chicago, 95th Street to Ewing and continuing south on Ewing over the regular route.

#94 South California Buses Detoured Due to a Viaduct Construction Project

Currently in effect until approximately 4 p.m. Friday, December 31, #94 South California buses are being detoured due to the temporary closure of California Avenue between Taylor and Fillmore for construction work on a nearby viaduct.
Northbound #94 buses are traveling over the regular route along California to Roosevelt then are operating via Roosevelt, Sacramento, Harrison to California and resuming the regular route. Southbound #94 buses are traveling the reverse route.

Temporary Removal of Bus Stops Near the Wilson Red Line Station

Currently in effect until further notice, the eastbound far side bus stop at Wilson/Racine has been temporarily removed from service due to a sidewalk replacement project. The temporary removal of this bus stop affects customers who board and alight eastbound #78 Montrose and southbound #145 Wilson/Michigan Express and #148 Clarendon/Michigan Express buses. 

#52A South Kedzie Buses Detoured at Kedzie/67th Street

Currently in effect until further notice, #52A South Kedzie buses are being detoured due to weight restrictions on the Kedzie Avenue Bridge at 67th Street.
Southbound #52A buses are traveling over the regular route along Kedzie to 67th Street then are operating via 67th Street, California, 71st Street to Kedzie and then resuming the regular route. Northbound #52A buses are traveling the reverse route.

Lane Restrictions near State and Grand Detour #29 State and #36 Broadway Buses

Due to lane restrictions associated with the Grand/State Red Line rehabilitation project at the northwest corner of State Street and Grand Avenue, #29 State and #36 Broadway buses are being detoured to adjacent streets until further notice.
Southbound #29 buses are operating over the regular route along Grand past State to Clark then traveling via Clark, Illinois to State and resuming the regular route.
Northbound #29 buses are traveling along the remaining open lane along State and over the regular route.
Southbound #36 buses are traveling over the regular route along State to Ontario then operating via Ontario, Clark, Illinois to State and resuming the regular route. Northbound #36 buses are operating over the regular route along Dearborn past Illinois to Ohio then traveling via Ohio to State and resuming the regular route.

Temporary Changes in Service for #21 Cermak and #62 Archer Buses Serving the Cermak-Chinatown Station

Currently in effect, customers at the Cermak-Chinatown Red Line station must use the new entrance located on Archer Avenue approximately one block north of Cermak. This entrance will serve as the primary access point for customers while the main entrance to the station on the north side of Cermak is reconstructed and made accessible. 
As a result of these changes, and to accommodate customers transferring between bus and rail services, the following changes have been made to buses serving the station:
#21 Cermak
Eastbound #21 Cermak buses are traveling over the regular route along Cermak to Wentworth then operating via Wentworth, Archer, Clark to Cermak and resuming the regular route. Westbound #21 buses are traveling the reverse route.
  • Cermak/Wentworth: the near side stop at Cermak/Wentworth served by eastbound #21 buses has been temporarily removed from service.
  • Wentworth/Cermak: new temporary stops have been added at Wentworth/Cermak for eastbound and westbound #21 buses. Eastbound customers must board and exit buses from the far side stop; westbound customers must board and exit buses from the near side stop.
  • Cermak/Red Line Station: the mid-block stop near the Cermak Road entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station has been temporarily removed from service.
  • Archer/Red Line Station: eastbound #21 buses are serving the new temporary mid-block stop near the Archer Avenue entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station.
  • Wentworth/Archer: westbound #21 buses are serving the new temporary far side stop at Wentworth/Archer.
#62 Archer
  • Archer/Wentworth: the northbound near side stop at Archer/Wentworth served by #62 buses has been removed from service.
  • Archer/Red Line Station: northbound #62 buses are serving the new mid-block stop near the Archer Avenue entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station.

Changes in Service along #8 Halsted Route for Bridge Reconstruction Project

Currently in effect until late-December 2011, Halsted Street between Division and the north branch of the Chicago River is closed due to a bridge reconstruction project.
Northbound #8 Halsted buses are traveling over the regular route along Halsted past Chicago to North Branch then are operating via North Branch, Cherry, Division to Halsted and then resuming the regular route. Southbound #8 buses are traveling the reverse route.
Changes to Bus Stops
  • Halsted/North Branch: the northbound far side stop has been temporarily relocated to a far side stop at North Branch/Halsted.
  • Halsted/Division: the southbound far side stop has been temporarily relocated to a near side stop.

Service Adjustments Due to the Congress/Wacker Construction Project

Due to the Congress/Wacker Construction Project, Franklin Street between Harrison and Van Buren and Lower Wacker Drive between Randolph and Harrison are closed until May 2012. As a result of these closures and other street reconfigurations, the following changes in bus service currently are in effect:
#11 Lincoln/Sedgwick
Northbound #11 Lincoln/Sedgwick buses are traveling over the regular route along Harrison to Canal then are operating via Canal, Jackson to Franklin and resuming the regular route. Southbound #11 buses are not affected and are traveling over the regular route.
The following temporary changes also have been made to bus stops served by northbound #11 buses:
  • Canal/Harrison: a far side stop has been added to service.
  • Canal/Jackson: a near side stop has been added to service.
  • Jackson at the Chicago River: a near side stop has been added to service.
  • 404 W. Harrison: the mid-block stop has been removed from service.
  • Franklin/Van Buren: the far side stop has been removed from service.
#121 Union/Wacker Express
Northbound #121 Union/Wacker Express buses are operating over the regular route along Jackson past Wacker to Franklin then are traveling via Franklin, Lake, Post Place to Lower Wacker and then resuming the regular route.
Southbound #121 buses are operating over the regular route along Lower Wacker to the exit ramp for Upper Wacker and then traveling via Upper Wacker to Adams and resuming the regular route west on Adams.
#135 Clarendon/LaSalle Express
From Union Station, northbound #135 Clarendon/LaSalle Express buses are traveling south on Wacker to Jackson then are traveling east on Jackson past Franklin and resuming the regular route.
The following temporary changes have been made to bus stops served by northbound #135 buses:
  • Jackson/Franklin: a near side stop has been added to service.
  • Franklin/Jackson: the near side stop has been removed from service.
#136 Sheridan/LaSalle Express
From Union Station, northbound #136 Sheridan/LaSalle buses are operating south on Wacker to Van Buren then are traveling via Van Buren, Canal to Jackson and resuming the regular route.
The following temporary changes have been made to bus stops served by northbound #136 buses:
  • Jackson/Franklin: a near side stop has been added to service.
  • Franklin/Jackson: the near side stop has been removed from service.
#156 LaSalle (PM Service Only)
During the evening rush period only, northbound #156 LaSalle buses departing from Union Station are traveling west on Van Buren to Wacker then are operating via Wacker to Jackson and resuming the regular route.
The following temporary bus stop change has been made and is in effect for northbound #156 buses during the evening rush period only: 
  • Franklin/Jackson: the near side stop has been removed from service.
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