CTA's #1 Indiana/Hyde Park buses, which operate weekdays between Stony Island/63rd and Union Station, will return to their regular downtown routing Wednesday, March 15. Since last May, when roadway construction restricted traffic on Michigan Avenue downtown, #1 buses have been detoured from Michigan to State between Congress and Adams.
Beginning March 15, buses arriving downtown on the fully accessible #1 route will stay on Michigan to Adams before heading west to Union Station.
Leaving Union Station at Canal Street, #1 Indiana/Hyde Park buses will now operate east on Jackson all the way to Michigan before going south over the regular route.
Returning to the regular route will allow more convenient connections to the Adams/Wabash 'L' station served by Brown, Green, Orange and Purple Line Express trains. It also means that #1 buses will return to stopping westbound on Adams on the east side of State instead of between State and Dearborn.