Effective December 7, 2000On Wednesday, December 6, the CTA Board approved a 20 percent raise in the subsidy it provides to paratransit-eligible customers who use taxis so they won?t be adversely impacted by recent taxi fare hikes. The Board action increases the subsidy from $10 to $12, enabling customers to travel the same distance at virtually no extra cost under CTA's Taxi Access Program (TAP).
- TAP customers will continue to pay only $1.50 to purchase a voucher, but the voucher will be valued at $12.00. Vouchers can be purchased at the CTA's Merchandise Mart Offices (7th Floor, Cashier's Window) and at Chicago Department on Aging Regional Centers: Central/West, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast and Southwest.
- Beginning December 7, 2000, cab drivers will honor unexpired vouchers up to a value of $12.00. If the customer's trip exceeds $12.00, he or she will be required to pay the cab driver the difference.
- Non-ambulatory customers can now call a new toll-free telephone number to request wheelchair accessible taxi service. The closest wheelchair lift-equipped van will be dispatched, eliminating the need to call individual cab companies. The toll-free number is (866) 458-2287.
If you have any questions regarding TAP vouchers, please call the CTA at (312) 432-7025, or TTY at (312) 432-7140.