Weeknight Work on Loop Elevated Reroutes Green, Brown, Orange and Pink Line Trains

May 16, 2008


Crews will be working on the Lake and Wabash stretches of track on the elevated line from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. on Monday, May 19 and Tuesday, May 20.

Trains operating on the elevated structure will be rerouted to the Van Buren and Wells sections of track as follows:

Monday, May 19 from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. Brown Line trains will be rerouted from the outer track to the inner Loop track, and travel in a clockwise direction. Entering the Loop, Brown Line trains will make their first stop at Clark/Lake, then State/Lake, Randolph/Wabash, Madison/Wabash, Adams/Wabash, Library, LaSalle/Van Buren, Quincy/Wells and Washington/Wells, then proceed to the Merchandise Mart and resume the normal route.

Northbound Green Line trains will be rerouted from the outer tracks along Wabash and Lake to the inner Loop tracks along Van Buren and Wells. Northbound Green Line trains will make their first stop at Library, then LaSalle/Van Buren, Quincy/Wells and Washington/Wells, then proceed to Clinton and resume the regular route. Southbound Green Line trains will operate normally on the inner track along Lake and Wabash streets.

Tuesday, May 20 from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m.Orange Line trains will be rerouted from the inner track to the outer Loop track, and travel in a counterclockwise direction. Entering the Loop, Orange Line trains will make their first stop at Adams/Wabash, then Madison/Wabash, Randolph/Wabash, State/Lake, Clark/Lake, Washington/Wells, Quincy/Wells, LaSalle/Van Buren and Library, then proceed to Roosevelt and resume the normal route.

Pink Line trains will be rerouted from the inner track to the outer Loop track, and travel in a counterclockwise direction. Entering the Loop, Pink Line trains will make their first stop at Washington/Wells, then Quincy/Wells, LaSalle/Van Buren, Library, Adams/Wabash, Madison/Wabash, Randolph/Wabash, State/Lake and Clark/Lake, then proceed to Clinton and resume the normal route.

Southbound Green Line trains will be rerouted from the inner track along Lake and Wabash to the outer track along Wells and Van Buren. Entering the Loop, southbound Green Line trains will make their first stop at Washington/Wells, then Quincy/Wells, LaSalle/Van Buren and Library, then proceed to Roosevelt and resume the normal route.

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