Video on How to Travel on CTA for Customers with Disabilities Available

October 15, 2008

Customers Can View on the CTA Website or Order from CTA Customer Service

The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) has produced a video detailing the accessible features of its system to help increase awareness for customers with disabilities who opt to travel on CTA buses or trains.

The video provides information on the availability of gap fillers for customers using wheelchairs at rail stations, bus ramps and lifts, and other features designed to provide assistance such as tactile edging on platforms, Braille signage and the automated announcement system on bus routes.

All CTA buses are accessible to customers via either a ramp or hydraulic lift and currently 85 out of CTA’s 144 rail stations are equipped with elevators.

The video is posted on CTA’s web site for viewing (www.transitchicago.com) by clicking on “Accessible CTA” in the upper right-hand corner or a DVD can be sent by request by contacting CTA’s Customer Service department at 1-888-YOUR CTA (1-888-968-7282) or TTY: 1-888-CTATTY-1 (1-888-282-8891).

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