Twenty CTA Bus Routes to Temporarily Reroute in the Loop for AIBA Championship Procession Monday

October 18, 2007

CTA will reroute buses on 20 downtown bus routes in the Loop on Monday, October 22 from early afternoon until early evening due to street closures along State Street between Lake and Monroe for the AIBA World Boxing Championship Procession.

CTA is advising customers to allow plenty of extra travel time, especially during the evening rush period.

Because of street closures and the additional congestion expected in the Loop, bus routes that travel in the vicinity of the procession will be impacted. Routes that serve the area include:

#2 Hyde Park Express
#6 Jackson Park Express
#10 Museum of Science and Industry
#14 Jeffery Express
#20 Madison
#X20 Washington/Madison Express
#29 State
#36 Broadway
#56 Milwaukee
#60 Blue Island/26th
#62 Archer
#124 Navy Pier
#127 Roosevelt/Madison Circulator
#144 Marine/Michigan Express
#145 Wilson/Michigan Express
#146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express
#147 Outer Drive Express
#148 Clarendon/Michigan Express
#151 Sheridan
#157 Streeterville

Most of the bus routes that normally travel along State will reroute to Michigan between Wacker and Adams. Most of the routes that normally travel east on Monroe between Clark and Michigan will reroute to Clark, Jackson and Michigan. Routes that normally operate westbound on Madison will reroute between Michigan and LaSalle to Adams, LaSalle and Madison.

CTA will have additional personnel in the Loop to assist customers during the reroutes.

Customers heading to the Loop to watch the procession are encouraged to buy farecards in advance with sufficient value to allow for return trips later, or to add enough value to their existing farecards, either the Chicago Card or magnetic strip farecard, for their return trip later in the day. Having fares ready in advance speeds travel and reduces lines.

Chicago Cards are available to customers free of charge through the end of the year at more than 200 non-CTA outlets such as currency exchanges, Jewel-Osco, CVS and Dominick's Finer Food stores that already provide other types of CTA fare media. Customers also may purchase fare media at CTA's main office at 567 West Lake Street from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., via mail, online at CTA's web site or by calling CTA Customer Service at 1-888 YOUR-CTA (1-888-968-7282).

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