Replacement Chicago Cards to be Sent to Registered Chicago Card Customers Prior to Card Expiration

September 25, 2007

As a direct result of customer feedback on the steps required to replace expiring Chicago Cards, effective immediately CTA has changed the process to make it simpler and easier for registered Chicago Card customers to get new replacement cards. All registered Chicago Card users will be receiving letters notifying them that their cards are due to expire and that a new card will automatically be sent to them before their old card expires. Registered Chicago Card customers will not be required to contact the CTA to get a new Chicago Card to replace the one expiring.

"Because of the concerns expressed by customers we have taken immediate action to change the process so registered card users who have used the card within 12 months will automatically receive a new card," said CTA President Ron Huberman. ?Chicago Cards make it faster and more convenient to ride CTA ? the same ease of use should be part of the process to replace expiring cards and I appreciate receiving comments from customers, it allows us to improve the process to meet their needs."

Customers who want to transfer a balance on a card set to expire should contact a CTA Customer Service representative either by phone at 1-888-968-7282 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by visiting CTA headquarters at 567 W. Lake Street 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays to have the balance transferred to the new card.

Chicago Cards that have reached their four-year useful life will no longer work on the expiration date so customers who have not already registered their Chicago Cards are encouraged to do so. Only registered Chicago Card customers will automatically be sent a replacement card.

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