Performance Indicators -- 2004-2007CTA is developing a set of performance indicators that will measure the agency's success in meeting its goal of providing on time, clean, safe and friendly service. CTA staff are working to define indicators of service reliability that are both relevant to customer experience and useful to CTA operations.
CTA staff presented a strategy for defining performance indicators at the February 15 meeting of the CTA Transit Board, and a follow-up presentation was made at the Board's March 16 meeting. These reports are available on the CTA's web site and updates will be posted as they become available.
Performance Indicators - 1st Quarter 2007 (PDF)
Performance Indicators - 1st Quarter 2007 (TXT)
2005 vs 2006 Performance Indicators (PDF)
2005 vs 2006 Performance Indicators (TXT)
Performance Indicators - 4th Quarter 2006 (PDF)
Performance Indicators - 4th Quarter 2006 (TXT)
Performance Indicators - 3rd Quarter 2006 (PDF)
Performance Indicators - July 2006 (PDF)
Performance Indicators - July 2006 (TXT)
Performance Indicators - 2nd Quarter 2006 (PDF)
Performance Indicators - 2nd Quarter 2006 (TXT)
Performance Indicators - 1st Quarter 2006 (PDF)
2004-2005 Performance Indicators summary (PDF)
Rail Construction Slow Zone Maps
Planned Construction Activities ? Extra Travel Time (PDF)
2004-2005 Performance Indicators report - March 2006 (PDF)
Defining Performance Indicators - February 2006 (PDF)
CTA Board Presentations
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