Notice of Public Hearing of Major Service Reductions and a Fare Increase

March 22, 2005

Notice of Public Hearing of Major Service Reductions and a Fare Increase

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Chicago Transit Authority's Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and Rules of Order that the Chicago Transit Authority will conduct public hearings on planned major service reductions to bus routes and rail operations, and a fare increase. The dates, times and locations of the public hearings will be as follows:

Date: Thursday, April 7th
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: CTA Main Office, 2nd floorConference Rooms A, B & C,
567 W. Lake St.
Chicago, IL 60680

These facilities are accessible to people with disabilities.

The following bus routes and rail lines will be affected by service reductions:

Bus Routes:

1 Indiana Hyde Park
2 Hyde Park Express
3 King Drive
X3 King Drive Express
4 Cottage Grove
X4 Cottage Grove Express
N5 South Shore Night Bus
6 Jackson Park Express
7 Harrison
8 Halsted
8A South Halsted
9 Ashland
10 Museum of Science & Ind.
11 Lincoln
12 Roosevelt
14 Jeffery Express
15 Jeffery Local
17 Westchester
18 16th-18th
19 United Center Express
20 Madison
21 Cermak
22 Clark
24 Wentworth
25 West Cermak
26 South Shore Express
28 Stony Island
X28 Stony Island Express
29 State
30 South Chicago
33 Magnificent Mile Express
34 South Michigan
35 35th
36 Broadway
37 Sedgwick/Ogden
39 Pershing
43 43rd
44 Wallace-Racine
47 47th
48 South Damen
49 Western
49A South Western
49B North Western
X49 Western Express
50 Damen
51 51st
52 Kedzie/California
52A South Kedzie
53 Pulaski
53A South Pulaski
53AL South Pulaski Limited
54 Cicero
54A North Cicero/Skokie Blvd.
54B South Cicero
55 Garfield
X55 Garfield Express
55A 55th/Austin
55N 55th/Narragansett
56 Milwaukee
56A North Milwaukee
57 Laramie
59 59th/61st
60 Blue Island/26th
62 Archer
62H Archer/Harlem
63 63rd
63W West 63rd
64 Foster-Canfield
65 Grand
66 Chicago
67 67th-69th-71st
68 Northwest Highway
69 Cumberland/East River
70 Division
71 71st/South Shore
72 North
73 Armitage
74 Fullerton
75 74th-75th
76 Diversey
77 Belmont
78 Montrose
79 79th
80 Irving Park
X80 Irving Park Express
81 Lawrence
81W West Lawrence
82 Kimball-Homan
84 Peterson
85 Central
85A North Central
86 Narragansett/Ridgeland
87 87th
88 Higgins
90 Harlem
90N North Harlem
91 Austin
92 Foster
93 California/Dodge
94 South California
95E 93rd-95th
95W West 95th
96 Lunt
97 Skokie
100 Jeffery Manor Express
103 West 103rd
106 103rd/106th
108 Halsted/95th
111 Pullman/111th/115th
112 Vincennes/111th
119 Michigan/119th
120 NW/Wacker Express
121 Union/Wacker Express
122 Illinois Center/NW Express
123 Illinois Center/Union Express
124 Navy Pier
125 Water Tower Express
126 Jackson
127 NW/Madison
128 Soldier Field Express
129 West Loop/South Loop
130 Grant Park Treasures
134 Stockton/LaSalle Express
135 Clarendon/LaSalle Express
136 Sheridan/LaSalle Express
143 Stockton/Michigan Express
144 Marine/Michigan Express
145 Wilson/Michigan Express
146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express
147 Outer Drive Express
148 Clarendon/Michigan Express
151 Sheridan
152 Addison
155 Devon
156 LaSalle
157 Streeterville
165 West 65th
200 Main Shuttle
201 Central/Ridge
205 Chicago/Golf
206 Evanston Circulator

Rail Routes:

Red Line - Dan Ryan
Red Line?Howard

Blue Line - Cermak (Douglas)
Blue Line - O'Hare
Blue Line - Forest Park

Green Line - Ashland
Green Line - East 63rd
Green Line - Lake

Brown Line

Yellow Line

Purple Line

Orange Line

These service reductions can include a decrease in the frequency of service, a reduction in the hours of service on weekdays, Saturdays or Sundays, and the complete elimination of service.

Fare Structure

The Chicago Transit Board is also considering a variety of changes to the fare structure. Listed below are four fare options under consideration. Three of the options involve fare increases without service reductions, at least initially, and one option combines a fare change with immediate service reductions. For all fare options the Board will consider policy changes regarding acceptance of inter-agency transfers and/or passes (e.g. Pace, Metra).

Single Ride
Option 1
(Allover Increase)
Option 2
(Peak Premium)
Option 3
(Rail Premium)
Option 4
(Service Reduction
Plus Fare Increase)
Cash Minimum $2.50 Off Peak $2.10
Peak $3.00
Rail $3.40
Bus $2.15
Minimum $2.00
Full Fare Transit Card Minimum $2.50 Off Peak $2.10
Peak $3.00
Rail $3.40
Bus $2.15
Minimum $2.00
Full Fare Chicago Card Minimum $2.50 Off Peak $2.10
Peak $3.00
Rail $3.40
Bus $2.15
Minimum $2.00
Chicago Card Bonus1 10% 10% 10% 10%
Transfer2 $.50 $.50 Maximum $1.50 $.50
Paratransit/TAP/Mobility Direct $5.00 $5.00 $4.30 $4.00
Paratransit Monthly Pass $210. or eliminate $210. or eliminate $210. or eliminate $190. or eliminate
1-Day Visitor/Fun Pass $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $6.00
2-Day Visitor/Fun Pass $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 $11.00
3-Day Visitor/Fun Pass $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $16.00
5-Day Visitor/Fun Pass $26.00 $26.00 $26.00 $23.00
Full Fare 7-Day Pass $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $24.00
Full Fare 30-Day Pass $105.00 $105.00 $105.00 $95.00
Shuttle Fare $2.00 or eliminate $2.00 or eliminate $2.00 or eliminate $2.00 or eliminate
Reduced Single Ride
Cash Minimum $1.25 Off peak $1.05
Peak $1.50
Rail $1.70
Bus $1.05
Minimum $1.00
Reduced Fare Transit Card Minimum $1.25 Off peak $1.05
Peak $1.50
Rail $1.70
Bus $1.05
Minimum $1.00
Reduced Fare Chicago Card Bonus 10% 10% 10% 10%
Transfer2 $.30 $.30 Maximum $.75 $.30
Reduced Fare 30-Day
$52.00 $52.00 $52.00 $47.00

1 For every $10 purchase, $11 of value is added to card. The Board may continue to offer this bonus, change the terms of this bonus, or eliminate it entirely.
2 Allows two additional rides within two hours of issue. Transfers are not valid on route of issue. The Board may continue or change current transfer policies, adopt different transfer prices for different fare media, or eliminate certain transfer options entirely.
3 These fare structures are proposed and the adopted fares may be higher or lower than indicated in this chart. The Board may adopt one of these options, or a combination of options.

Further information on planned service reductions or fare increases can be found on www.keepchicagolandmoving.com or www.transitchicago.com or by contacting the the Office of the Secretary, Chicago Transit Authority, P.O. Box 7567, Chicago, Illinois 60680 Attention: Gregory Longhini, Assistant Secretary, Chicago Transit Board.

Written comments may be submitted through April 8, 2005 by writing to the following address:

Chicago Transit Authority
P.O. Box 7567
Chicago, IL 60680
Attention: Gregory Longhini
Assistant Secretary
Chicago Transit Board

E-mail comments may be submitted through April 8, 2005 by writing to [email protected].​





See also...

For easier reference, some information formerly posted in Reports & Notices on this Web site now has its own page. See these pages for complete information about the following:


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Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
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