Illustration of a runner against the city skyline.

Bank of America
Chicago Marathon

Watching the race

The following train stations are situated along the Marathon route:

🅐 Grand (Red Line)

Miles 1, 3 and 12.5

Board a Red Line train and exit at Grand Avenue (Mile 1). Walk three blocks west to LaSalle Street (Mile 3) and four blocks west to Wells Street (Mile 12.5).

🅑 Jackson (Red Line) or Jackson (Blue Line)

Mile 2

Board a Red or Blue Line train and exit at Jackson Street.

🅒 Chicago (Red Line)

Miles 3.5 and 12.25

Board a Red Line train and exit at Chicago Avenue. Walk three blocks west to LaSalle Street (Mile 3.5) and four blocks west to Wells Street (Mile 12.25).

🅓 Clark/Division (Red Line)

Miles 4 and 12

Board a Red Line train and exit at LaSalle Street (Mile 4). Walk one block west to Wells Street (Mile 12).

🅔 Sheridan (Red Line)

Mile 8

Board a Red Line train and exit at Sheridan. Walk four blocks east to Broadway.

🅕 Addison (Red Line)

Mile 8.5

Board a Red Line train and exit at Addison Street. Walk four blocks east to Broadway.

🅖 Sedgwick (Brown Line)

Mile 11

Board a Brown Line train and exit at Sedgwick Street. Walk a half-block north to North Avenue.

🅗 Washington/Wells (Brown, Pink, Orange lines)

Mile 13.5

Board any Brown, Pink or Orange Line train and exit at Washington/Wells. Walk two blocks west on Washington Street to Wacker Drive.

🅘 UIC-Halsted (Blue Line)

Miles 14 and 17

Board a Blue Line train and exit at UIC-Halsted. Use the Halsted Street exit or Morgan Street exit and walk two blocks north to Adams Street to view the runners around Mile 14 in Greektown. Or use the Halsted Street or Morgan Street exit and walk one block north to Jackson to view runners around Mile 17.

🅙 18th (Pink Line)

Mile 19.25

Board a Pink Line train and exit at 18th Street. Walk four blocks east to Loomis Street.

🅚 Cermak-Chinatown (Red Line)

Mile 21.5

Board a Red Line train and exit at Cermak-Chinatown.

🅛 Sox-35th (Red Line)

Miles 23, 23.25 and 23.5

Board a Red Line train and exit at Sox-35th. Use the 33rd Street exit and walk four blocks to Michigan Avenue (Mile 23) or walk five blocks east to Indiana (Mile 23.5). Exit at 35th Street and walk four blocks east on 35th Street to Michigan Avenue to view runners around Mile 23.25 as they run on 35th Street from Michigan to Indiana Avenues.

🅜 35th-Bronzeville-IIT (Green Line)

Miles 23, 23.25 and 23.5

Board a Green Line train and exit at 35th-Bronzeville-IIT. Use the 33rd Street exit and walk one block east to Michigan Avenue (Mile 23) or two blocks east to Indiana (Mile 23.5). Exit at 35th Street and walk one block east to Michigan Avenue to view runners around Mile 23.25 as they run on 35th Street from Michigan to Indiana Avenues.

🅝 Cermak-McCormick Place (Green Line)

Mile 25

Board a Green Line train and exit at Cermak-McCormick Place. Walk two blocks east to Michigan Avenue.

🅞 Roosevelt (Red, Green, Orange lines)

Finish Line

Board a Red, Green or Orange Line train and exit at Roosevelt Road. Walk east on Roosevelt Road toward the Museum Campus/Grant Park.

More Frequent Rail Service for Bank of America Chicago Marathon

RedBlueBrownPinkGreenand Orange Lines will get you access to the start and finish lines in Grant Park or anywhere along the marathon route.


Southbound service from Linden to Howard on the Purple Line will begin at 5:30 a.m., rather than the regularly scheduled 6:05 a.m.

Special event reroutes

In the area around Grant Park, street closures associated with events such as the Abbott Chicago 5K and Bank of America Chicago Marathon will roll out in phases

Wed, Oct 10 to Mon, Oct 14 or completion

The following downtown bus routes will be subject to temporary reroutes and bus stop changes for the Chicago Marathon.

Balbo and Columbus closed (October 10 – October 14, 2024)

Affected Bus Route (s)

Direction of Travel

Bus Boarding Locations

More info

#2 Hyde Park Express

#6 Jackson Park Express

#J14 Jeffery Jump

#26 South Shore Express

#28 Stony Island



northeast corner

Reroute details


eastside of street


eastside of street


northeast corner


northeast corner



northwest corner


southwest corner


southwest corner

Congress Plaza closed (October 11 – October 13, 2024)


More info

#7 Harrison

#126 Jackson

#143 Stockton/Michigan Exp.

#147 Outer DuSable Lake Shore Exp.

Reroute details

Abbott Chicago 5K, Sat, Oct 12

Downtown area

Expect reroutes from 6am to approximately 9am

Generally, buses will not serve stops in the area bordered by Wacker, Clinton, and Roosevelt. 

During this time, consider the following CTA services instead: 

All ‘L’ trains provide access to/from downtown.

Bank of America Chicago Marathon, Sun, Oct 13

Downtown area

Expect reroutes from 6am to approximately 4pm

Generally, buses may experience significant delays or be rerouted in the area between North Avenue, Halsted, and 18th. 

During this time, consider the following CTA services instead: 

  • #66 Chicago buses offer shuttle service to/from Navy Pier from the Chicago Red Line Station. 
  • #146 Inner Lake Shore/Michigan Express buses offer shuttle service to/from the Museum Campus from the Roosevelt Red Line station. 
  • All ‘L’ trains provide access to/from downtown Chicago and spectating locations along the Chicago Marathon course.

North side

Expect reroutes from 6am to approximately 11:30am

Generally, buses will not serve bus stops in the area bordered by Irving Park, Halsted, North Avenue, and DuSable Lake Shore Drive. 

During this time, consider the following CTA services instead: 

  • Board southbound #146 and #151 buses at the bus stop at Inner Lake Shore Drive/Belmont.
  • Board Red Line and Brown Line trains. 
  • Board eastbound and westbound buses at bus stops west of Halsted. 

West side

Expect reroutes from 6am to approximately 2pm

Generally, buses will not serve stops in the area bordered by Madison, Western, 18th, and Halsted.

During this time, consider the following CTA services instead: 

Pink Line and Blue Line* trains provide access to/from downtown, offering connections with all ‘L’ lines.

*Note: The entrance to the Racine Blue Line station on Racine Ave. is temporarily closed. To enter the station, use the entrance on Loomis St. 

South side

Expect reroutes from 6am to approximately 4pm

Generally, buses will not serve stops in the area bordered by Halsted, 18th, King Drive, and 35th.   

During this time, consider the following CTA services instead: 

  • For northbound and southbound service, board Green Line, Red Line or Orange Line trains at stations between Roosevelt and 35th Street. 
  • For eastbound and westbound service, board #21 Cermak buses at the Halsted Orange Line station, or board #35 31st/35th buses at 35th/Cottage Grove.
System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Red Line
Normal Service
Blue Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts