April 1, 2005

Late Night Single Track in Effect on Red Line over the WeekendDue to the rehabilitation of the Dan Ryan branch of the Red Line, single track service will be in effect northbound between 45th and 33rd Streets from 8 p.m. Friday, April 1 until 8 a.m. Saturday, April 2. Single track service also will be in effect southbound between 45th and 55th Streets from 8 p.m. Saturday, April 2 until noon Sunday, April 3.

Late Night Single Track in Effect on Red Line Monday through Next ThursdaySingle track service will be in effect northbound between 45th and 33rd Streets from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. Monday night, April 4 and Tuesday night, April 5. Single track service also will be in effect from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. southbound between 55th and 33rd Streets Wednesday night, April 6 and Thursday night, April 7.

Late Night Single Track in Effect on O'Hare Branch of the Blue Line for Subway Sewer Cleaning Friday and SaturdaySingle track service will be in effect northbound between Grand and Damen from 10 p.m. Friday, April 1 until 6 a.m. Saturday, April 2 and again from 10 p.m. Saturday, April 2 until 6 a.m. Sunday, April 3. Customers should allow extra travel time.

Lake Red Line Subway Entrance Temporarily Closed for RenovationsThe Lake Street station entrance to the Red Line is temporarily closed from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. Monday through Thursday nights, and from 9 p.m. Friday night through 5 a.m. Monday morning until late summer 2005. During these hours trains will not stop at this station. Customers are encouraged to use the adjacent Red Line subway station at Washington and to allow extra travel time.

Trains continue to stop at the Lake subway station during weekday hours.Customers wishing to exit at the north end of the Lake station should walk north and use the newly renovated stairway. They also may enter and exit at the Randolph/Washington exit at the south end of the station.

#10 Museum of Science & Industry Route Extends Hours for Visitors on Spring BreakTo accommodate longer hours at the Museum of Science and Industry, #10 Museum of Science & Industry buses will operate every 30 minutes on Saturday and Sunday, April 2 - 3 until 4:25 p.m. from Chestnut/Lake Shore Drive to the museum and until 6:10 p.m. from the museum to Chestnut/Lake Shore Drive.

Shamrock Shuffle Race May Cause Intermittent Service Delays Sunday MorningThe LaSalle Bank Shamrock Shuffle 8-K Race may cause intermittent service delays on 20 bus routes Sunday. Participants will assemble at Columbus/ Congress at 6 a.m. and the race begins at 9:30 a.m. The race course is north on Columbus to Grand, west to State, south to Jackson, west to Clinton, south to Van Buren, east to Michigan, south to Roosevelt, east to Columbus and north to the finish on Columbus south of Balbo. Buses on the #3 King Drive, #4 Cottage Grove, #6 Jackson Park Express, #10 Museum of Science & Industry, #14 Jeffery Express, #20 Madison, #22 Clark, #29 State, #36 Broadway, #56 Milwaukee, #60 Blue Island/26th, #62 Archer, #65 Grand, #66 Chicago, #124 Navy Pier, #126 Jackson, #145 Wilson/ Michigan Express, #146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express, #147 Outer Drive Express and #151 Sheridan routes may be affected by the race.

Montrose Closes for Repairs to Brown Line Elevated Structure SundayMontrose will be closed between Ravenswood and Wolcott from 6:30 a.m. until5 p.m. Sunday. #78 Montrose buses will operate in both directions via Montrose, Damen, Wilson, Ashland, back to Montrose, then resume the regular route.

Western and Devon Close for Assyrian New Year Parade SundayWestern will be closed between Peterson and Pratt, and Devon will be closed between California and Ridge from noon until 3 p.m. Sunday. Northbound #49B North Western buses will operate via Western, Peterson, California, Lunt, back to Western, then resume the regular route. Southbound buses will operate via Western, Lunt, California, Devon, back to Western, then resume the regular route.

#155 Devon buses will operate in both directions via Devon, California, Lunt, Ridge, back to Devon, then resume the regular route.

Overnight Track Maintenance Temporarily Closes Three Northbound Red Line Platforms Beginning SundayTrack maintenance on the north end of the Red Line will take place each night from Sunday, April 3 through Thursday, April 7. As a result, northbound trains will not stop at the Wilson, Lawrence and Argyle stations from 9 p.m. until 4 a.m. During these hours, customers wishing to exit at those stations will need to travel to the Berwyn station and transfer to southbound trains and travel back to those stations. Customers should allow extra travel time.

69th Street Closed for CSX Railroad Viaduct Repairs 69th Street is closed between Hamilton and Bell through Friday, April 15. #67 67th/69th/71st buses are operating in both directions via 69th, Damen, Marquette, Western, to 71st, then resuming the regular route.

Bridge Repairs and Testing for the Upcoming Boating Season Continue Next WeekThe Dearborn bridge will be closed from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 5. The closure will affect buses on the #22 Clark, #36 Broadway and #62 Archer routes.

The Halsted bridge over the North Branch of the river will be closed from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thursday, April 7. The closure will affect buses on the #8 Halsted route.

For details about CTA routes and schedules, call 836-7000 (all local area codes) or visit www.transitchicago.com.

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