CTA Service Recommended as Alternative for Eisenhower Motorists

March 31, 2010

With the reconstruction of the Eisenhower Expressway, the Chicago Transit Authority is encouraging motorists looking for an alternative to driving to take the CTA.  The Blue, Green or Pink lines are great options for West Side and West Suburban commuters who want to avoid construction on the Eisenhower.  Existing service is able to accommodate additional riders.  In addition, there are numerous bus routes that connect to the Blue, Pink and Green lines.

At the Blue Line Forest Park station, there are Park & Ride lots with more than 1,000 spaces and available capacity to accommodate additional Park & Ride customers.  The CTA lots are $5/day.

CTA has proven to be a good option for commuters during other roadway rebuild projects.  During construction on the Dan Ryan Expressway in 2006, ridership increased on the Orange, Green and Red Lines as motorists opted for the convenience of public transit in order to avoid waiting in traffic during construction. 

Additional service information is available on CTA’s Web site at www.transitchicago.com, which features trip planning capability as well as information on fare media, schedules and Park & Ride locations.
Commuters may also call CTA’s customer service line at 1-888-YOUR-CTA or the RTA’s travel information center at 836-7000 from all local area codes.

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