Adriana Amador, Zac Mascarenas,
Amaya Orellano, Emi Stearn, Isaac Tellez
Digital prints
2015, Adopt-A-Station
Five panels displayed in the Jackson station were created by student artists of Marwen, a program providing free arts education, college and career counseling to disadvantaged Chicago youth since 1990. Placed within the subway tunnel, the artworks communicate a striking and delightful contrast with the Depression-era utilitarian environment of steel, concrete and ceramic tile.
Marwen youth come from 55 of Chicago’s 57 zip codes. The #ThisIsMarwen program aims to call attention to the talent and diversity of these students by displaying their artwork in each of the zip codes where Marwen youth reside. The five artworks at Jackson station represent 60604, the zip code which the station is located.
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Public Art Index Next art: Illinois Medical District (Blue Line) 
See also: Information about this station