Additional Events Affecting CTA Service Beginning the Weekend of March 5-7

March 5, 2010

Brown Line – Other Events Affecting Service

Changes to Kinzie Street Exit at the Merchandise Mart Station This Weekend

On Saturday, March 6 from 6 a.m. until 2 p.m., the Kinzie Street platform-to-street stairway exits at the Merchandise Mart Brown Line station will temporarily close to allow crews to install equipment that will convert these from exits only to farecard only entrances and auxiliary exits. During this time, customers must use the station’s main entrance/exit in the Merchandise Mart to access the Brown Line.
Upon reopening, customers with CTA farecard media will be able to use the stairwells as auxiliary entrances to access Brown Line trains. All customers can continue to use these stairways as exits.
Customers who do not have a farecard or need to add value to their fare media will need to enter through the main Merchandise Mart station entrance where farecard vending machines are available.

New/Updated Changes to Bus Service

Emergency Repairs to the Ewing Street Bridge Temporarily Detour Two Bus Routes

Currently in effect until 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 9, the Ewing Street Bridge over the Calumet River will be closed to all traffic due to emergency repair work.
Southbound #26 South Shore Express and #30 South Chicago buses will travel over their regular routes along 91st Street to Mackinaw then will operate via Mackinaw, Harbor, South Chicago, 95th Street to Ewing and then resume their regular routes south on Ewing. Northbound #26 and #30 buses will travel the reverse route.

Helicopter Lift Detours #36 Broadway and #70 Division Buses Saturday Morning

Dearborn Street between Elm and Goethe and Division Street between State and Clark will be closed to all traffic from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturday, March 6, due to a scheduled helicopter lift.
Southbound #36 Broadway buses will operate over the regular route along Clark past Division to Maple then will travel via Maple to State and then resume the regular route south on State. Northbound #36 buses will operate over the regular route along State to Walton then will travel via Walton to Clark and then resume the regular route north on Clark.
Eastbound #70 Division buses will travel over the regular route along Division to Clark then will operate via Clark, Maple to Dearborn then will resume the regular route south on Dearborn. Westbound #70 buses are not affected and will travel over the regular route.

Sunday Morning Helicopter Lift Detours Two Bus Routes From East Wacker Drive

From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday, March 7, Wacker Drive between Michigan and Columbus will be closed to all traffic due to a scheduled helicopter lift.
Northbound #6 Jackson Park Express buses will travel over the regular route along Michigan to Randolph before turning to begin southbound service. Southbound #6 buses will depart from Randolph/Field and will operate via Randolph to State and then resume the regular route south on State.
Eastbound #124 Navy Pier buses will travel over the regular route along Wacker to State then will operate via State to Illinois and then resume the regular route past Columbus. Westbound #124 buses will operate over the regular route along Grand past Columbus to Clark then will travel via Clark, Illinois, State, Wacker to Michigan and then resume the regular route south on Michigan.

Daytime Closure of Randolph Street Bridge Reroutes Four Bus Routes on Monday

Due to trial bridge lifts, the Randolph Street Bridge over the Chicago River will be closed to all traffic from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, March 8.
Westbound #120 Ogilvie/Wacker Express and #122 Illinois Center/Ogilvie Express buses will travel over their regular routes along Wacker past Randolph to Madison then will operate via Madison, Canal to Washington before turning to begin eastbound service. Eastbound #120 and #122 buses are not affected and will travel over their regular routes.
Southbound #125 Water Tower Express buses will operate over the regular route along Wacker to Lake then will travel via Lake to Clinton and then resume the regular route past Randolph. Northbound #125 buses are not affected and will travel over the regular route.
AM Rush Service Only
During the morning rush period only, northbound #129 West Loop/South Loop buses will travel over the regular route along Randolph to Wacker then will operate via Wacker, Madison, Canal, Randolph to Clinton and then resume the regular route south on Clinton. Southbound #129 buses are not affected and will travel over the regular route.
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