Temporary Changes in Service for #21 Cermak and #62 Archer Buses Serving the Cermak-Chinatown Station

June 3, 2010

Beginning Friday morning, June 4, a new auxiliary entrance will open for CTA customers at the Red Line’s Cermak-Chinatown.  Located approximately one block north of Cermak on Archer Avenue, the new entrance will serve as the primary access point for customers while the main entrance to the station on the north side of Cermak is reconstructed and made accessible.  Both the north and south entrances on Cermak will be closed to customers beginning at 11 p.m. on Friday.

As a result of these changes and to accommodate customers transferring between bus and rail services, the following service changes will go into effect at approximately 4:10 a.m. Friday:

#21 Cermak

Eastbound #21 Cermak buses will travel over the regular route along Cermak to Wentworth then will operate via Wentworth, Archer, Clark to Cermak and then resume the regular route. Westbound #21 buses will travel the reverse route.

Bus Stop Changes
  • Cermak/Wentworth: the near side stop at Cermak/Wentworth served by eastbound #21 buses temporarily will be removed from service.
  • Wentworth/Cermak: new temporary stops will be added at Wentworth/Cermak for eastbound and westbound #21 buses. Eastbound customers will board and exit buses from the far side stop; westbound customers will board and exit buses from the near side stop.
  • Cermak/Red Line Station: the mid-block stop near the Cermak Road entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station temporarily will be removed from service.
  • Archer/Red Line Station: eastbound #21 buses will begin serving the new temporary mid-block stop near the Archer Avenue entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station.
  • Wentworth/Archer: westbound #21 buses will begin serving the new temporary far side stop at Wentworth/Archer.
#62 Archer
  • Archer/Wentworth: the northbound near side stop at Archer/Wentworth served by #62 buses will be removed from service.
  • Archer/Red Line Station: northbound #62 buses will begin serving the new mid-block stop near the Archer Avenue entrance of the Cermak-Chinatown station.

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