A screen shows information about upcoming stops on a bus

Bus display survey

If you've ridden one of the buses with these screens (above), we'd love to hear your thoughts!

icon_euroexclamventrablue25px Important notes
1) Please only take this survey if you've ridden one of the test buses.
(If you have general questions or design feedback based on info you've seen online, we'd still love to hear from you! But please do so using this form, instead.)

2) This survey goes directly to the bus display team. For any other matter (such as a complaint or commendation about service), please use our Feedback form to make sure your message gets to the right people.


Page 1 of 2: General info

Select one.

Please enter the 4-digit vehicle number of the bus (if you were able to note it).

Please tell us what date and time.

Are you familiar with this route?

How do you feel about the value of the information shown on these screens for yourself?

How do you imagine the value of these will be to other people who ride the bus?

Do you feel like you understood the info you saw on the screen?

What features on these screens did you notice? (Select as many as you remember.)

Which of the following features did you think were the most helpful? (Select as many as you like.)

Overall, do you think these would be a nice addition to more buses?

Did you notice anything wrong with the screen or have trouble understanding anything you saw on the screen?

Spell Check

Do you have any suggestions on how we might make these more useful (things we might add or remove)?

Spell Check

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience seeing these new screens?

Spell Check

This will help us write back if we have more questions or want to try and learn more.

Page 1 of 2    Indicates required question.