Public Hearing on Requested Service Adjustments on Two Bus Routes Tomorrow

July 29, 2009

The Chicago Transit Authority reminds customers that in response to a request from the University of Chicago, the agency is holding a public hearing tomorrow to receive input on the possible elimination of the #173 U of Chicago/Lakeview Express and the #174 U of Chicago/Garfield Stations routes.  The #173 and #174 routes are subsidized by the University of Chicago and the University has requested the routes be eliminated because ridership patterns have changed.

The University currently subsidizes six routes that serve the school and the neighboring communities.  The remaining four routes are not a part of the public hearing.

The #173 operates between 59th/Kimbark and the Belmont /Sheridan and the #174 operates between the Garfield Red Line station and 57th/University. 

The hearing on the #173 and #174 will be held on:

Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 6 p.m.
University of Chicago

Social Services Administration Building, E-1*
969 E. 60th Street
Chicago, IL
(*facility is accessible to people with disabilities)

CTA also will accept written comments until August 4 via e-mail or by mail to the following addresses:

Chicago Transit Authority
PO Box 7567
Chicago, IL 60680
Attention: Gregory Longhini, Assistant Secretary
Chicago Transit Board
[email protected]

Results from the public hearings and a recommendation for action will be presented to the Chicago Transit Board at a future board meeting.

# # #

Additional information on the #173 and #174 can be found here.


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