Photo: Photographer in reflection

Photo Policy

The general public is permitted to use hand-held cameras to take photographs, capture digital images, and videotape within public areas of CTA stations and transit vehicles for personal, non-commercial use.

Large cameras, photo or video equipment, or ancillary equipment such as lighting, tripods, cables, etc. are prohibited (except in instances where commercial and professional photographers enter into contractual agreements with CTA).

All photographers and videographers are prohibited from entering, photographing, or videotaping non-public areas of the CTA’s transit system.

All photographers and videographers are prohibited from impeding customer traffic flow, obstructing transit operations, interfering with customers, blocking doors or stairs, and affecting the safety of CTA, its employees, or customers. All photographers and videographers must fully and immediately comply with any requests, directions, or instructions of CTA personnel related to safety concerns.

Safety Tips

  • For everyone’s safety, do not use a camera’s flash if facing a person who is operating a train or bus.
  • Be respectful of others - CTA customers and employees.
  • Don't stand (or cause others to stand) in the way of stairs, aisles, escalators or doorways.
  • Be careful! Your safety is very important to us, so stay away from platform edges and moving vehicles.
  • Be safe! Don't inch backward with your camera to get a wider view - always look where you're going.


While on CTA premises, all photographers and videographers must comply with all applicable rules, including but not limited to, this policy, all applicable laws, ordinances, municipal regulations, standard operating procedures, administrative procedures and other CTA policies. CTA personnel may evaluate the actions of a photographer or a videographer, and if a determination is made that the actions of a photographer or videographer are not in compliance with any applicable rule, CTA personnel may terminate the permission granted by this policy.

CTA facilities and vehicles are for the exclusive use of the CTA, its employees, and its customers. Any and all permission granted to photograph and videotape in connection with this policy is subordinate to the CTA’s obligations to its customers, employees and to the general public. Loitering at CTA stations for extended periods for the purpose of taking photographs or video is prohibited.

More Information

  • For more information about the CTA’s Photo and Video Policy, or to make arrangements for professional, commercial, or other similar photograph and/or video activities, please see our page on professional Filming & Photography on CTA.
  • For general policies and practices on CTA, see our Policies & Practices page.