February 26, 2004

Franklin/Orleans Bridge Closed for Repairs and TestingThe Franklin/Orleans bridge over the Chicago River is closed for repairs and testing from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. weekdays through Friday, March 12. This closure will affect some northbound morning and afternoon rush period trips on the #37 Sedgwick/ Ogden and #125 Water Tower Express bus routes. Affected trips will operate via Wacker, LaSalle, Hubbard, back to Orleans then resume the regular route.

Lower South Water Closes for Filming Project FridayLower South Water will be closed between Lower Wacker and Lower Michigan from 2 a.m. until 10 p.m. Friday, February 27. The closure will affect northbound morning and afternoon rush period trips on the #120 North Western/Wacker Express and #121 Union/Wacker Express bus routes. Northbound #120 buses will operate from the Ogilvie Transportation Center via Washington, Upper Wacker, State, Illinois, then resume the regular route to Navy Pier. Northbound #121 buses will operate from Union Station via Jackson, Upper Wacker, State, Illinois, then resume the regular route to Navy Pier. Southbound trips will not be affected.

Wells Closes for Crane Dismantling Beginning FridayWells will be closed between Grand and Ohio from 9 a.m. Friday until 4:30 p.m. Sunday while a construction crane is dismantled at that location. This closure will affect some southbound trips on the #37 Sedgwick/Ogden and #125 Water Tower Express buses Friday. Buses will operate via Wells, Ohio, LaSalle, Grand, back to Wells then resume the regular route.

Foster Closes for Sewer Repairs Friday NightEastbound Foster will be closed in both directions just east of Sheridan Road from 7 p.m. Friday until 12 p.m. Sunday while a sewer main is repaired at that location. #146 Inner Drive/Michigan Express buses will operate in both directions via Sheridan, Lawrence, to Marine Drive then resume the regular route. #147 Outer Drive Express buses will operate in both directions via Sheridan, Lawrence, to Lake Shore Drive then resume the regular route.

Michigan and Van Buren Closed for Helicopter Lift SaturdayA helicopter lift to the top of the CNA Plaza, 333 South Wabash will close Michigan between Jackson and Congress; and Van Buren between Michigan and Wabash from 7 a.m. until 9 a.m. Saturday, February 28. During the lift, buses serving the #3 King Drive, #4 Cottage Grove, #6 Jackson Park Express, #14 Jeffery Express, #28 Stony Island Express, #126 Jackson, #145 Wilson/Michigan Express and #147 Outer Drive Express routes will be detoured to adjacent streets. The lifting will be done from Michigan Avenue to the east side of the building and will not affect CTA rail service.

Blue Line Single Tracking in Effect Saturday NightA single track will be in effect in the Blue Line Dearborn subway between the LaSalle and Clinton stations from 8 p.m. Saturday until 7 a.m. Sunday for cable installation. As trains will be sharing a single track, customers may encounter slight delays and are asked to allow extra travel time.

Crane Lift Closes Michigan Avenue Sunday (rescheduled from last week)A crane lifting equipment to the roof of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 116 South Michigan, will close the three southbound lanes of Michigan Avenue from 5 a.m. until 8 p.m. Sunday, February 29. Southbound #3 King Drive, #4 Cottage Grove, #14 Jeffery Express, #145 Wilson/Michigan Express and #147 Outer Drive Express buses will operate via Madison, State, Jackson, back to Michigan then resume the regular route. Northbound service on these routes will not be affected.

Pulaski Closes for Railroad Viaduct Work Beginning MondayThe southbound lanes at the railroad viaduct at 400 North Pulaski will be closed for repairs beginning at 6 a.m. Monday, March 1 and continuing through late July. Southbound #53 Pulaski buses will operate via Pulaski, Ferdinand, Hamlin, Washington back to Pulaski then resume the regular route. Northbound service will not be affected.

Kedzie Closes for Railroad Viaduct Work Beginning MondayKedzie will be closed between Arthington and Fillmore for railroad viaduct work beginning at 6 a.m. Monday and continuing through August 31, 2004. #52 Kedzie/California buses will operate in both directions via Polk, Homan, Roosevelt back to Kedzie then resume the regular route.

Next Phase of Grand/Central Bridge Repairs Begins TuesdayThe next phase of the repair project on the Grand/Central bridge will begin Tuesday, March 2 and last approximately three months. During this phase, #85 Central buses will operate in both directions via Central, North, Laramie, Fullerton back to Central then resume the regular route. The project began last October and is expected to be completed in September.

Bridge Testing for Boating Season Begins TuesdayThree bridges over the Chicago River will be tested for the upcoming boating season over three days next week beginning on Tuesday. The tests will be conducted on one bridge each day from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. according to the following schedule: Halsted bridge on Tuesday affects #8 Halsted buses, Cermak bridge on Wednesday affects #21 Cermak buses, and Canal bridge on Thursday may affect some trips on the #18 16th/18th buses. Affected trips will be rerouted to adjacent streets for the duration of each closure.

For details about CTA routes and schedules, call 836-7000 (all local area codes) or visit www.transitchicago.com.

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