CTA to Hold Public Hearings on Proposed Service Adjustments on Two Bus Routes

July 10, 2009

The Chicago Transit Authority is holding a public hearing later this month to receive input on the proposed elimination of the #200 Main Shuttle and the adoption of the #N201 Central/Sherman late night service as a permanent route.  Both routes operate in Evanston.

The #200 Main Shuttle route is being considered for elimination due to low ridership. Ridership along the route has declined to fewer than 100 rides per day. In addition, the Rand McNally corporate headquarters, which was served by the route, closed in January.

In December 2008, the #N201 began operating to the Howard station when the new south entrance was completed and became accessible to customers with disabilities.  Prior to the opening of the entrance, buses operated to the Granville Red Line station.

The hearing on the #200 and the #N201 will be held on:

Thursday, July 23 at 6 p.m.
Levy Senior Center*
300 Dodge Avenue
Evanston, IL 60202
(*facility accessible to people with disabilities)

Written comments may be submitted up to July 28 via email or by writing to the following address:

Chicago Transit Authority
PO Box 7567
Chicago, IL 60680
Attn:  Gregory Longhini, Assistant Secretary
Chicago Transit Board
[email protected]

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Additional information on the #200 and #N201 can be found here.

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