CTA Hosting Public Hearings to Solicit Input on the Red Line Extension’s Supplemental Environmental Assessment

February 10, 2022

In its latest step toward advancing the transformative Red Line Extension project, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) is hosting two public hearings to solicit public comments on the federally required Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) and Section 4(f) Evaluation.

The goal of these meetings is to allow members of the public an opportunity to provide feedback and input on the potential impacts the proposed Red Line Extension project may have on the areas surrounding the project footprint.  A virtual public hearing will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 15 from 6 pm - 8 pm. An in-person public hearing will be held on Thursday, February 17 from 6 pm – 8 pm at the Salvation Army Kroc Center, 1250 W. 119th St., in Chicago. To attend either the virtual or in-person public hearings, pre-registration is encouraged at engagerle.transitchicago.com. Attendees of the in-person meeting are required to wear face masks and provide proof of COVID-19 full vaccination upon arrival at meeting location.

The Supplemental EA discloses design refinements to the project’s Preferred Alignment. The Supplemental EA evaluates three project changes that have occurred since the publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2016. The project changes are 1) 130th Street station relocation, 2) 120th Street yard and shop refinement, and 3) 107th Place cross-over. The purpose of the Section 4(f) Evaluation is to discuss mitigation and enhancement measures proposed for Beaubien Woods Forest Preserve. These mitigation and enhancement measures were developed in consultation with the Forest Preserves of Cook County.

The Supplemental EA is available during the public review period from January 31 through March 1 online at transitchicago.com/RLE/SEA. Hard copies are available for viewing at the following locations:

  • FTA Region 5 Office, 200 W. Adams St., Suite 320

  • CTA Headquarters, 567 W. Lake Street, 2nd floor

  • Pullman Public Library, 11001 S. Indiana Ave.

  • West Pullman Public Library, 830 W. 119th St.

  • Altgeld Public Library, 955 E. 131st St.

  • Woodson Regional Public Library, 9525 S. Halsted St.

  • Harold Washington Library Center, 400 S. State St.

  • Calumet Park Public Library, 1500 W. 127th St., Calumet Park, IL.

The comments received during the 30-day public comment period, and the responses to those comments, will be incorporated into the project’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) / Record of Decision (ROD), which will conclude the project’s environmental review process.

The Red Line Extension project will be a transformative investment for the Far South Side community. It will provide long-awaited and much needed connection to jobs, education, and commerce, while also serving as a catalyst for economic development. Under this proposed project, the CTA will extend the Red Line 5.6-miles south of the existing terminal at 95th Street to 130th Street. Four new, fully accessible stations at 103rd Street, 111th Street, Michigan Avenue and 130th Street will be added, plus a modern, efficient railcar storage yard and maintenance facility. 

RLE is a community-input driven project. Members of the surrounding communities have been and will remain vital in helping shape this project and its path forward. To learn more about the Red Line Extension project visit: https://www.transitchicago.com/rle/.


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