CTA Announces New Performance Metrics

May 14, 2008

Monthly reports to measure CTA's performance in ridership, timeliness, efficiency, safety, cleanliness and courtesy

In an effort to develop meaningful performance metrics as to how well CTA is serving its customers, CTA President Ron Huberman today presented a set of performance indicators to the Chicago Transit Board. The performance indicators are designed to measure the agency's success in meeting its goal of providing on-time, clean, safe, efficient and courteous service.

"The revamped performance management report is the result of ongoing analysis by our Performance Management Team, which over the course of a year has defined indicators of service reliability that are both relevant to customer experience and useful to CTA operations," said Huberman. "We will continue to work with departments to identify measurements that will drive results and not just data. I expect these measures will evolve as we further refine and learn from this process."

Beginning today, performance reports for the previous month will be available on the CTA web site (www.transitchicago.com). Reports will measure CTA's performance in its six core areas of service and across more than 25 categories, including:


  • Ridership: rail and bus ridership  monthly, year-to-date and percentage change over prior year.
  • On-Time: percentage of slow zones; percentage of bus bunching intervals; number of rail delays of 10-minutes or more.
  • Efficient: miles between reported rail and bus vehicle defects; average daily percentage of bus unavailability.
  • Safe: major and non-major security related incidents per 100,000 miles for bus and rail.
  • Clean: average days between completed bus and rail detail-cleans; percentage of uptime for bus and rail washers.
  • Courteous: percentage of elevator and escalator up-time; CTA customer service hotline average wait-time.

"Since 2004, CTA has made its Performance Indicators available to customers as part of an effort to keep customers informed about how well the agency was serving them," said Chicago Transit Board Chairman Carole Brown. "A number of changes have been made within the agency since then and we felt it was time that this 'report card' reflect these changes, as well as emphasize the core values of CTA's services and address what our customers really want to know."

In addition to new categories, the performance reports will be easier to read and track with the addition of year-end target figures, definitions and color-coding indicating the status of each performance indicator (i.e. green  meeting or exceeding target; yellow within 10 percent of target; red missing target by more than 10 percent; gray  measure does not have a target).


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