The Center of the Universe
Jamie Pawlus
2019, Arts in Transit
Inspired by Nicolaus Copernicus’ astronomical model that places the Sun at the center of the universe, artist Jamie Pawlus creates a cosmic diagram within the footprint of the Jefferson Park station, calling into question our significance in the universe. Artwork in the guise of signage communicates directions to the human condition, while the Sun and its radiating, splintered sunrays surround travelers awaiting transport to their next destination.
Jamie Pawlus is a conceptual artist with a focus on the urban environment. Much of her work engages materials commonly found in the public realm such as commercial or transportation signage, and the messages found in her art are anecdotal expressions of personal experiences. Ms. Pawlus earned a BFA from the Herron School of Art and a Master of Fine Art from the University of Kansas. She resides in Indianapolis.
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