Chicago Transit Authority
Office of the Secretary
Quarterly meetings of the ADA Advisory Committee of the Chicago Transit Authority for 2014 are hereby announced by the Chairman, Steve Hastalis, and will be held at the principal offices of the Chicago Transit Authority, 567 West Lake Street, Second Floor, Boardroom, Chicago, Illinois, on the following dates:
- Monday, January 13
- Monday, April 14
- Monday, July 14
- Tuesday, October 14
Customer Service In-take Session from 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
The meetings will commence at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
Gregory P. Longhini
Assistant Secretary
Chicago Transit Board
(This is the original list of board meeting dates. See the ADA Advisory Committee page for the latest information, in the event meeting dates are changed, and the Meeting Notices page, where notices, agendas and minutes are posted throughout the year.)